Our Quality & Environmental Policy

Seafood and, more broadly, aquatic products are essential foods for a healthy diet. In addition to fish caught through natural fishing, fish and aquatic products obtained through farming are also frequently found on tables and in various industrial foods.

The conditions under which fish, one of nature’s most fundamental protein sources, are caught, produced, stored, and sold are critical matters for consumer health and product safety.

Our Quality Policy

As Alpenorth Seafood, we bring healthy, fresh, and high-quality fish to tables around the world.

The ASC certification, which ties the quality and safety of the final product obtained from fishing to specific standards, is a global standard for fish farming. The ASC certification for farms ensures that the fish raised at the facilities that supply your table or production line are of high quality, that the waters around the farms are not polluted by the facilities, and that the facilities are environmentally conscious.

Alpenorth Seafood has applied for ASC certification and has fish farms that are candidates for ASC certification.

Our Environmental Policy

The foundation of our environmental policy is the goal of leaving a livable environment and usable natural resources for our children.

The principles of our environmental policy, which we have developed with an awareness of our environmental responsibility, are as follows:

  • To ensure the establishment of an environmental management system in accordance with the TS EN ISO 14001:2004 standard.

  • To ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and to continuously improve legal compliance by accepting these as the minimum standard for the implementation and maintenance of the established system.

  • To ensure the quick completion of the recycling process for all waste that may result from our activities, returning it to nature.

  • To prevent environmental pollution by reducing waste.

  • To provide training that evolves according to needs in order to develop environmental awareness among our employees and increase environmental sensitivity.

  • To be in consultation and communication with relevant parties affected by our environmental performance.

  • To prioritize biodegradable, environmentally harmless, and eco-friendly products in the use of feed and other products.

  • To take measures to prevent the formation of any type of pollutant or waste in order to reduce negative environmental impacts.